Children and Young People

Junior Church - Sundays at 10.00am
Children meet for their own activity at 10am and join the adult congregation towards the end of the service

Messy Church second Tuesday in the Month at 3.30pm

What are we having for tea?
Come with the family
(children under 13 must be accompanied
by an adult. Children over 13 coming
unaccompanied require a parental permission slip)

3.45pm - approx 5.15pm
Puppets, Games, Crafts etc and tea!
A fun way to learn about Jesus

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
all meet throughout the week.

Contact Tel:
Group Scout Leader: Mark Lindley 01924 380533

Rainbows, 5.15pm, Mondays 07412 131307
Brownies, 6.30pm, Mondays 01924 229765
Scouts, 8.00pm, Mondays 07709531317
Cubs, 6.00pm, Tuesdays 01924 380533
Rangers, 7.30pm, Tuesdays 07980842458
Cubs, 6.00pm, Wednesdays 07540 843716
Beavers, 5.30pm, Thursdays 01924 367931
Guides, 7.00pm, Thursdays 01924 219778
Thorns Explorers, 7.30pm, Fridays 01924 467191