Groups and Activities


Meets monthly on the third Tuesday evening at 7.30pm. Enjoys a good variety of speakers on a wide range of topics as well as meals and trips out. All ladies very welcome. Men are occasionally invited when the subject has wide appeal. Contact Marian Taylor 01924 271220


Every Saturday Coffee Morning from 10-12noon. Come and enjoy the company and a very good cup of filter coffee with biscuits. Cake and scones often available! Proceeds usually for church funds but several charity coffee mornings are held during the year.


Every Wednesday: Pause for Thought A weekly Warm Space offering drinks and biscuits 10am and 11.4 5am including a “Pause for Thought” at 11.30am. Contributions to refreshments welcome. Come along either regularly or just when you are able.

Messy Church: Usually 1st Thursday of the month. Check the outside notice board for up-to-date information.



