

This page allows you to book onto the Foundation training planned for 2025


An invitation letter has been sent to your CLSOs- its text is here


2024 (version of) Foundation Training

This lasts approximately 2hours 30 minutes- see here for details and course content.

It is delivered by trainers from within our circuit.

Please indicate your intention to attend by selecting the appropriate link, registering and checking out a free ticket. (it is not absolutely necessary to create an Eventbrite account)

It is not necessary to print out a ticket, though you may find it a good reminder.

If you are not able to use Eventbrite,  then the alternatives are to contact Nigel or your CSLO.

Morning training starts at 9:30am prompt. Refreshments are available from 9:00am (Tea, Coffee (decaff and caff) and squash)

The session is expected to complete by 12:00pm

Afternoon sessions start at 1:30pm expected complete by 4pm. Refreshments available from 1pm.

Evening  sessions start at 7pm. Refreshments as above are available from 6:30pm

The session is expected to complete by 9:30pm


2024 Foundation Training Module

Where When- all 2025 click link below
Streethouse Methodist

Wednesday 26th February



 to register

 2023 Advanced Training

An adjacent district has informed us of some planned training for 2024- 2025.

6 in person sessions (though some travel would be required) are found on this eventbrite page here.

20 online sessions (see below for implications) can be found here.

More material can be found on the connexional site here

which outlines the 2 forms of delivery as below:

The Creating Safer Space Advanced Module course can be delivered either face-to-face or online; this Handbook is designed to fit alongside both forms of training.

Face-to-face Training

This is split into three parts:

  • Unit 1a: Preparing the Ground Booklet - an hour of self-study
  • Core learning session (Units 1b-5) - minimum of 4 hours taught
  • Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module and for further study and resources.

 Online Training:

This is also split into three parts:

  • E-learning (units 1-5a) - approximately 4 to 7 hours which can be completed in smaller sections. Alongside the e-learning, participants complete a Workbook which they then take to the Gathered session.
  • Gathered Session (Unit 5b) – a 2 hour facilitated session to consolidate learning from Advanced Module (online) e-learning.
  • Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module and for further study and resources.

N.B. the e-learning MUST be completed before attending a Gathered Session

The training aims to:

  • to consolidate and develop your previous safeguarding learning and:
  • extend your understanding of responding well to groups within our different Church communities
  • further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the church and community
  • explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church

update 12/1/25 NAS